1.1 Lessons Learnt From Meetings and Presentations
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. A proper preparation can facilitate the discussion so that maximum benefits can be derived from the meetings.
Before the meetings, I have read the relevant guidance and instructions that was posted in the internet website which will be used as the main communication tool during the period when the research is carried out. But soon I found out that the preparation work that I done was not enough.
First meeting
Before the first meeting, I selected Topic 8: An Analysis and Evaluation of the Business and Financial Performance of Organisation over a 3 years period.
Although I followed the instructions that had been given before the first meeting was held, I still found myself was not prepared enough soon my mentor, Miss Joyce start questioning further about our preparation. Her expectation about the preparation works that we should have done is far beyond what I thought.
“Set your sights on something, have goals…and work diligently toward them.” (Gromek, 2009) The deadline was clearly set on the first meeting that all the mentee will work together as a team to achieve the deadline agreed. Although aim was decided, the communication on the first meeting is one way as none of us did enough preparation work or prepared any questions to derived maximum benefits from the meeting.
“Work hard... Have a view.” (Harrison, 2009) This is the final conclusion of my first meeting with my mentor, Ms. Joyce.
Second meeting
With the experience gained from the first meeting, I ensured that I was more prepared for the second meeting with my mentor. I compiled a list of open ended questions and thus was able to get the most of the meeting. Compared with the first meeting, more questions had been raised as a result a two way communication is established. Everyone had begun to work as a team. Information had been shared in order