In the business environment of today the use of slang, jargons, and idioms are a consequential mistake that can cost a business its creditability and reputation. Using such improper language can be a big mistake depending on what was said in the document. Professional businesses enforce a no tolerance policy when it comes to this because this problem can be prevented. Slang makes a business sound unprofessional and not competent to do business with that other company. This can cause a break with importance business companies and partners from a simple miss understanding. Its is important to realize the problems that occur when improper language is used in business and how this problem can be prevented from happening in the future. We must educate our employees of what can occur if improper language is used and when it is important this is doesn’t happen again. Slang, idioms and Jargons are an unacceptable way of writing in the business for a number of problems. The article from “Essential to business Communication” writes, “Slang words quickly go out of fashion because they are no longer appealing when everyone begins to understand then”(Guffey). The language of slang is constantly changing and different words mean different things to different people. Because of its inconsistency, slang cannot be used because everything including language must be consistent in business. Using slang leads to improper decoding of messages. Jargons are not acceptable in business since “It’s out of place and the audience misunderstands, it can create a two-fold problem. Whilst you fail to convey information to them, you may also succeed in conveying a more subtle, negative message: That you have given little thought to your audience; and perhaps that you are insincere and not to be trusted”(Mindtools). The ability for your audience to understand the message is the goal of communication in
Cited: Guffey, M. E. (2006, February 10). Slang. Retrieved March 5, 2010, from Johnston, L. G. (2010). Business Writing . Retrieved March 5, 2010, from Mindtools, . (2008). Jargon Busting. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from Sinclair, M. (2009). Keep slang, profanity out of business . Retrieved March 5, 2010, from Zarndt, F. (2006). What Did You Say? Intercultural Expectations, Misunderstandings, and Communications . Retrieved March 6, 2010, from .