2. Investigate A Suitable Business Venture * Considering Starting Up * Business Planning * Type Of Business
3. SWOT Analysis
4. The Resources * Finance * Personal Qualities and Support
5. Work Place
6. Indentifying The Market * Feasibility Study * Competitors And Customers
7. Tax , Payroll And Company Information
8. Managing Business * Marketing And Sale
1. Definition of Business An Economic system in which goods and services are exchanged for one another or money. Every business requires some form of investment and a sufficient number of customers to whom its output can be sold at profit on a consistent basic. 2. Investigate A Suitable Business Venture
Considering Starting Up * Examine a range of options and select a suitable business venture. * Analysis potential markets/customers and business trends, which may affect the business. * Identify own goals and abilities and plan to meet any development needs. Business Planning Business Planning is the important thing to think when start the business . Business Planning is the foundation of doing business. The important things to think of planning are- 1. Why do you starting a business? 2. What kind of business do you want? 3. Who is your ideal customer? 4. What products or services will your business provide? 5. What differentiates your business idea and the products or services you will provide from others in the market? 6. Where will your business be located? 7. How many employees will you need? 8. What types of suppliers do you need? 9. How much money do you need to get started? 10. How soon will it take before your products or services are available? 11. How long do you have until your