You are going to develop a business idea and write a business plan. Below is a list of possible businesses you might be interested in starting: • Bed and breakfast business plan • Cafe business plan • Child care business plan • Consultant business plan • Day care business plan • Day spa business plan • fitness centre business plan • Hair Salon business plan • Health club business plan • Internet cafe business plan • Landscape gardening business plan • Retail business plan • Sandwich shop business plan
What is a Business Plan? It is important that a Plan is produced to ensure that the proposed business idea has been thought out before the start up and all aspects of the business have been considered.
The object is to demonstrate, first to yourself and then to anybody who may be investing money in your proposed business (e.g. a bank), that your proposed business has good prospects for success.
The attached outline provides guidance in the preparation of a Business Plan. Use the pdf file to answer questions and construct your bus plan.
The Plan should be set out under separate headings and should be as concise as possible without omitting any important information. You do not need to complete Section 7. Use the excel spreadsheet file for sections 8,9,10.
There are a number of support sites that can provide advice and suggestions for format; perhaps the most useful is: Before you start have a look at some sample business plans
nb: yours will not need to be this detailed but it helps you appreciate what you are completing
Give a brief summary of the plan covering the