The small business Administration has a standard of 500 employees or less for a business to be considered “small” CITATION USE141 \l 1033 (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). This was most surprising to me in the sense that the fact that a 15 person business could be held to the same standards and regulations as a business with 500 employees. It seems to be a bit absurd due to the vast difference in number of employees and how these businesses can be held on the same level. Now for example having a 10 to 15 person business the company needs to fully understand discrimination regulations and laws. Most likely in this case the company cannot afford to hire a highly qualified person to fulfill this position but I am positive a 500 person employee can. The person that will be hired is a HR manager and they will have the resources to uphold the policies.
A qualified HR person would facilitate many issues in the work environment. For example, an owner of the company would like to hire a person with a disability, whatever it may be. Many issues can occur, for instance what if the company cannot afford to prepare certain accommodations that are mandated by law for the use of disabled persons, also what if the company hires the disabled person and they were unaware of the regulations? This could result in lawsuits and the company going bankrupt because they could not handle the financial responsibilities.
The funding for a small business obviously differs from a larger business. Larger
Bibliography: BIBLIOGRAPHY The U.S. Small Business Administration. September 2014. 14 September 2014. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. September 2014. 14 September 2014.