After working together in our group a couple of times, we started to establish a relational base. According to Schiller’s (1997) Relational Model, the second stage is when women work together to develop affiliations and connections while establishing a sense of safety …show more content…
In future small group experiences, I might try being more of a leader occasionally. I’m not afraid to be the leader of a group, I just do not like to because it is more work. I should try to push myself to be more of a leader to push groups that I am in to do more and better work in future small groups. After years of having awful group experiences for projects, I have gotten to a point that I do not try hard with task groups anymore. This group was such a great experience for me for group work because I typically hate working with groups, but I thoroughly enjoyed working with my group every week. Working with this group went really well and now I hope to be more willing to work better with small groups in the future, instead of just wanting to do everything by