-Local businesses can have affects everyone, especially in a small community like the ones we live in. My name is... and my father owns his own business. Repeat.
Overall: Locally owned businesses are crucial to keeping small towns thriving. +”Your dollars spent in locally-owned businesses have three times the impact on your community as dollars spent at national chains.” +The more people shop locally, the more everyone in the community will benefit. http://www.staylocal.org/facts/why http://sustainableconnections.org/thinklocal/why
Problem: When people decide to shop elsewhere, it hurts not only the business owners but the community as well.
+WHY people shop in other places: -Larger businesses provide same products but for less amounts of money. -It has become a habit -Other things to do when you go to places like Cedar Falls
+WHAT this does to people: -People lose large amounts of money -They might move so they can have better opportunities-decreasing town population
You’ve heard a lot about what the problem is, now Laura is going to introduce the solution.
Solution: Shopping locally is something that is very important to community growth and needs to be done by more people.
WHY is this important: -
WHAT this can do for you:
Intro: Grab attention, overview of topic, NOT PROBLEM-keeping small town running? Overall thesis at end
Conclusion: Bring problem and solutions TOGETHER. What might happen if we don’t solve/action steps we need to take. Clincher
Transitions:Sectional-and sectional between problem and solution(almost like another introduction)
*Presentational Aid
*Visual Aid
*Video: max of 3 min. Text/audio/music -Why do you think small businesses are important to towns? -What are
References: Slides APA