Vaccination aginst smallpox had ended in1972 and was only available to several hundred of sciencetists and other medical specialist that were continuing to work with the smallpox virus and other viruses that were like it …show more content…
It is admistered with a needle that has two pronges (bifurcated) that are immersed with the vaccine liquid. The skin on the individual’s upper arm is pricked with the needles many times. An effective vaccine will be demonstrated if within three to four days a bump that is red and itchy develops. A blister that is filled with pus and eventually starts to drain will occur during the first week. In the second week of receving the vaccine, the blister will then dry out and develop a scab. During the third week the scab will come off and a scar will remain at the site of inoculation. The site of inoculation must be covered since the virus that is used is live and can spread to different areas of the individuals body or to someone else.