Date: September 1, 2011
Subject: P.E.
Class: 5th-8th Grade
Lesson Topic
Dribbling and trapping
Class Period Time
35 minutes
SWBAT demonstrate the ability to work in groups and properly perform various exercises at each station.
SWBAT demonstrate the correct techniques for dribbling a soccer ball with both inside and outside feet.
SWBAT demonstrate the correct techniques for trapping a soccer ball using form demonstrated by the instructor.
Technique Mastery
Cues Entrance
2 minutes
Scholars will enter gym/classroom and place agendas/book bags against wall and immediately find their own space with-in one half of the court or in class room.
Moving quietly without touching anyone or anything. In a space where they have enough room to spread legs and arms without touching anyone or anything.
Scattered around
Floor spot in gym. Go
Do Now/Hook
10 minutes TW signal scholars to their station by counting off each scholar numbering them from 1 to 4.
Stations: Circuit Training
When music starts, students begin activity at the station. At pause in music they switch. Stations consist of push-ups, lunges, sit-ups, and imaginary rope jumping. TW organize and label stations 1 to 4 before class meets using cones. TW go through all stations once then begin again. Proper form
Aerobic endurance
Increase heart rate
Hard work and effort
Cardiovascular strength 4 stations organized around the room/gym
Music on
Music off
Lesson Focus
15-20 Minutes
Dribbling using inside and outside of both feet.
TW demonstrate how to dribble the ball with the inside, outside, left and right feet. Then assigned to begin at one of four cones placed in four corners of the room/gym. To begin there will be 6-7 scholars at each cone. On turn scholars will be signaled to dribble to the next cone