Social constructions of reality means the process of developing jointly constructed understandings, thoughts or concepts of the world by a society. Meaning, notion or connotations placed on an individual, group or event by a society through cultural or social practice, they become social constructions when they are adopted by the inhabitants of that society with respect to how they view or deal with the individual, group or event.They are developed by the people within a society and in most cases, maintained by collective agreement of the powerful or majority, and apathy or silence of minority.
In the origin, people interact with the society with understanding that their respective perceptions of reality are related. The common sense knowledge is reinforced when people act with this understanding …show more content…
Before industrial revolution, women always did household works, which were not done for a salary, while the men took paid labor jobs outside the home. Companied with industrial revolution, women had opportunities to engage in many aspects of industry such as mill and textile, with industrialization making the complicated industry work easy and have a moderate requirement for physical strength. This technological simplification was owe to steam power invented by James Watt. Industries started using machines and workers made up with women and children instead of skilled handicraft workers. Compared to the men labor, women employed were paid lower and exploited. They typically worked 10 to 12 hours each day, six days a week, for low wages ( Volti pg.