The social factors to consider in Emma’s situation are the effects the trauma she experienced in preschool might affect her transition into kindergarten as well as how her parent’s divorce may play a part in affecting her social development. All students who experience sexual abuse at the hands of an educator face the problems that come with it. The loss of trust in adults and authority figures and poor academic performance are just a couple of the long-lasting side effects. Emma’s misbehavior could be attributed to her social environment and the actions of those around her. Emma does not appear to have an especially caring father and years of marriage troubles have split her parents so they no longer work together effectively to help combat her emotional outbursts.
Emma’s social circles include her school and her peers right now when she …show more content…
Emma hit each of her early developmental milestones and she regularly visits the doctor who keeps record of her physical development. As a typically developing five-year-old, Emma should be able to sit still, follow simple direction, and stay on task for a reasonable amount of time, though she shows difficulty. Emma is experiencing a significant amount of stress. Stress can have damaging effects on an individual’s physical and mental health for the duration of their life. These high levels of stress on a continuous basis or from multiple events can disturb normal brain construction as well as normal organ system functions, resulting in a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, substance abuse, and depression well into adulthood (Toxic Stress, n.d.). If Emma were experiencing such stress with a supporting relationship of the adults in her life, this may not have such an effect but when the experienced trauma and the divorce are taken into consideration together, Emma’s stress level for her age could potentially be