Bothe movies cover young women looking for a better life for themselves and true love. They show that through hard work, determination, and the will to keep going, anything is possible.
Little Mermaid was dissatisfied with her life under the sea word and she dreamt about becoming a human. Her father controlled every move and every decision she made. Even in the wide underwater world, she felt restrained. Ariel She also had a little friend fish by name Flounder, who helped her throughout her journey. Cinderella was a maid in her own home, slaved by her cruel stepmother. She treated her poorly, and made her feel like she was only good for serving them day and night. Even though Cinderella was in her own house, she felt like she was a prisoner. Her only friends were birds and mice, one of their names were Gus and Jaq.
The moral lesson in Cinderella is that being a good person with a good heart will always get you what you want. Through hard work, determination, and the will to keep going, anything is also possible.
Selfless love is follow your dreams by any means necessary and everything will work out great in the end.
Good vs evel t would cause some people to laugh if I were to say that all leading characters in Disney movies were the same. To anyone who has seen at least a few, that notion is absurd. Even in tales of Walt Disney, not every hero wins the war, nor every princess her prince. In the classic Disney love stories of "Cinderella" and "A Little Mermaid", the story lines are extremely similar.
Love stricken teenagers, with parental boundries, and responsibilites they long to escape are the main characters in both of these cartoons. However different these young women seem to be, there are numerous uncanny similarities between them.
Both beautiful young ladies are fatigued and distressed by their home lives, but each chooses to deal with it in a different