An institution is not a person nor a group. It is associated and part of the culture, a patterned segment of the way of life of people. Social relations and roles form the major elements of the institution.
Institutions are purposive. They are relatively permanent in their content. The institution is structured. Each institution is a unified structure. The institution is necessarily value-laden.
Institution -Objectives, goals, or purposes are the same as those of a group. -They strive to tie the economic, religious, and political ends of one institution.
Group -Mainly functional to the conceptual and external activities which is performed in patterned ways by the people. -Constitutes to the main content of Institutions.
Additionally, Besides having the specific objectives and the patterned activities of the group, there are certain generalized functions that all institutions perform for the people.
The social behavior for and individual is simplified. The ways of thinking has become largely regularized and prearranged for the individual as he enters the society. Institutions provide ready-made forms of social relations and social roles for the individual. In which, the principal roles are provided by the institutions for the individual to act upon.
Acts as agencies of coordination and stability for the total culture. The way of thinking and behavior of the individual may show that they are really institutionalized. Institutions tend to control behavior. They contain systematic expectations of the society. Social pressure is maintained even on the possibly deviant groups by the mere existence of institutions.
The obstruction of social progress. They tend to be rigid and to discourage changes since they conserve and stabilize social behavior. Frustrations of service to the social personality of individuals. They may be called misfits of the society. Diffusion of social responsibility.
Two types: -Major Institutions: They have the most populous number of people who participate in, essential to the society, and that are considered most important for the individual and for the economic, political, religious, and recreational institutions.
-Subsidiary Institutions: They do not have the characteristics of the Major Institution. They are numerous, minor, variable institutions that are contained within the major institution.
The familial institution. System that regulates, stabilizes, and standardizes sexual relations and the reproduction of children. The educational institution. Basically, this is the systematized process of socialization occurring informally in the home and in the general cultural environment, and formally in the complex educational arrangements of the society.
The economic institution. This is the configuration of patterned social behaviors through which material goods and services are provided for the society. Production, distribution, exchange and consumption of commodities are involved.
The political institution. Primarily satisfies the need for general administration and public order in society. The religious institution. This institution that satisfies man’s basic social need for a relationship with God. Spiritual empowerment. The recreational institution. Fulfills the social need for physical and mental relaxation.
The coordinated network of interdependently functioning major institutions is vital to the continuance of the culture and the society. No institutions can exist by itself. There are always interrelationships among institutions.
Using some indicators, the traits of the major institutions may be described as follows:
Attitude and behavior patterns- love of knowledge, class attendance, “cramming”, studying Symbolic culture traits- school colors, mascots, and school song. Utilitarian traits- classrooms, library, gymnasium, dormitory, laboratories. Code of oral or written specifications- accreditation, rules, curriculum. Ideologies- academic freedom; three R’s (Reading, writing, arithmetic); progressive education.
Attitudes and behavior patterns- subordination, cooperativeness, loyalty, and obedience. Symbolic culture traits- flag, seal, uniform. Utilitarian traits- public buildings, public works, monuments, artistic works. Code of oral or written specificationconstitution, treaties, orders, laws. Ideologies- decentralization, nationalism, centralization, democracy, communism.
Attitudes and behavior patterns- efficiency, thrift, shrewdness, cooperation. Symbolic culture traits- trademark, patent sign, slogans, singing commercials. Utilitarian traits- shop, stores, factory, offices. Code of oral or written specifications-contracts, licenses, franchises. Ideologies- laissez faire, managerial responsibility. rights of labor.
Attitudes and behavior patterns- affection, love, loyalty, responsibility, subject. Symbolic culture traits- marriage ring, crest, coat of arms, “Our Song”. Utilitarian traits- home furniture. Code of oral or written specifications- marriage license, will, genealogy laws. Ideologies- romantic love, togetherness, familism.
Attitudes and behavior patterns- reverence, loyalty, devotion, generosity. Symbolic culture traits- cross, icon, shrine, hymn. Utilitarian traits- church edifice, monuments, artistic works. Code of oral or written specifications- creed, church law, sacred books, doctrines. Ideologies-Thomism, Liberalism, Fundamentalism, Liberation theology.
There are always key roles which are recognized by people as being the most important and influential among the numerous social relations which the person enacts. The pivotal institution is to the culture what the key role is to the individual.
Once the pivotal institution is recognized, the position of the remaining major institutions can be conceptualized as clustering around it. The major institutions can be identified by the objectives they are pursuing, but their relative position of importance in any culture can be judged by other criteria.
Since patterns, roles, and social relations are institutionalized around certain central objectives, they can be studied from the point of view of the persons in action. Social values are involved in all institutions, and one may say that the position of any institution depends largely upon these values.
Institutions work well for people. It can never be visualized mentally because institutions tend to change in an indefinite time and this change depends on the actual human behavior that the society is filled with. The government and legislative sectors of the country can make changes through the deliberate efforts they can pursue with. An institution won’t exist if it is not affiliated with people. It’s an easy way to say that institutions need people as people also need institutions.
Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology by: Dr. Epitacio S. Palispis
Presented by: Yurika Zacarias Lattrell Caesar