MARK1215: Inside the Customer 's Mind
Course School/Level
Literature Review
Assessment Weight
KH Phairor
Submission Deadline
Coursework is receipted on the understanding that it is the student 's own work and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged in accordance with the University 's Regulations regarding Cheating and Plagiarism.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
2. Literature review 3
2.1 Social Media 3
2.2 Social Networking sites 4
2.3 Marketing through Social Media 4
2.4 Brand awareness 5
2.5 Electronic Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness 5
2.6 Customer engagement and Brand awareness 6
3 Conclusion and recommendation 7
References 8
Social media marketing as a tool and creating brand awareness
1 Introduction
Marketing communications are a part of marketing mix which companies use to increase sale, connect with customer and build brand awareness. However, as there are various channels related to marketing communication, choosing the effective one to carry the message is not always easy for marketers. Nowadays, with the development of technology, social media has become a powerful platform when it comes to marketing.
Social media can be defined by Safko and Brake (2009, s6) as: “Activities, practices and behaviour among communities of people who gather online to share information, knowledge and opinion using conversational media”. There are various forms of social media such as social networking sites, forum discussion, blogs, wikis, to name just a few. It has been observed that
References: Aaker, A. D., 1991. Managing Brand Equity; capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: The Free Press. Aaker, A. D., 1996. Building Strong Brands. New York: The Free Press. Bond, C., 2010. Engagement with social media and outcomes for brands: A conceptual framework. ANZMAC Annual Conference 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand. Bowden, J. L. H., 2009a. The process of customer engagement: A conceptual framework. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, pp. 63-70. Celine, A., 2012 Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., & Skiera, B., 2010. The impact of new media on customer relationships. Journal of Service Research, 13 (3), pp. 311-330. Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K.P., Walsh, G Kaplan, A.M., & Haenlein, M., 2010. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media Vol.53, pp. 59-68 Kotler, P., & Keller, K Weber, L., 2009. Marketing to the social web. New Yersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc Hoboken. Westbrook, A. R., 1987. Product/Consumption-based Affective Responses and Post purchase Process. Journal Marketing Research, Volume 24, pp. 258-270.