"If I Get Social Security Disability, I'll Get It For Life." Actually, it's not guaranteed that you will receive SSDI for the rest of your life. In some circumstances, Social Security will occasionally check in with you (and your doctors) to see if your condition has improved. If your medical records indicate significant improvement, you might lose your SSDI. Your attorney at The Gil Law Firm
will help you understand the legal options available should you stand in jeopardy of losing the benefits you desperately need.
"I Won't Even Apply Because They Reject Everybody." Clearly, Social Security does not reject every SSDI applicant, though it is true that a large number of first-time applicants are turned down. In 2013, 33% of applications were approved. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't try. If you are denied, there is an appeals process in place to help you challenge the decision; The Gil Law Firm's Social Security Disability lawyer will represent your interests should Social Security deny your application.
"My Doctor Told Me I Was Disabled, So I Qualify For SSDI Now." Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy. While a doctor's verification is indeed helpful, the decision Social Security reaches is not a cut-and-dried medical decision. Legal considerations come into play, and these form a large part of the ultimate ruling you receive. Your lawyer at The Gil Law Firm will work with you to best tackle the legal side of your Social Security Disability case.
Call The Gil Law Firm at (334) 673-0100 to schedule an appointment with a Social Security Disability lawyer today. Visit the firm's website to learn more about Attorney Rafael Gil III and his practice. By being informed about the SSDI process, you can be better prepared for the complexities of applying for Social Security Disability.