Throughout American history, there have been an array of factions vying for votes in our democratic system of government. These organizations consist of leaders who believe in an idea and have developed ways to achieve that idea. Success of a political organization, or party, is based on how well leaders can convince people to follow them and join their ranks. Socialism as a political idea is based on cooperative ownership and redistribution of goods, services, and production. The Socialist Party of America was one faction whose roots are based in socialism. Created in 1901, the SPA was formed by the combination of the Social Democratic Party of America, a short lived movement, and the Social Labor Party, a working man 's party. This combination attracted new members, as well as members from the progressive and populist parties, which made up the majority of the SPA. The rise of the Socialist Party of America was fueled by the working mans desire for a utopian society. Campaign promises for public ownership of utilities, better …show more content…
The formation of the Populist and Progressive parties as alternatives to socialism started a movement of Socialist political parties. After converting his views to socialism, Eugene Debs united these small factions into the Socialist Party of America. The party achieved victories among local politics in the states, Midwestern states being a reliable stronghold. After presidential runs by Eugene Debs from 1900 to 1912, the SPA 's highpoint came in 1912 with 117,984 members. Internal breakdown caused party members to turn on each other which resulted in member suspension. World War I and the Red Scare led people to distance themselves from radical political parties. The SPA finally was reduced to a sect when President Roosevelt put socialism into policy through his New