Social problems:
1. Poverty
2. Illiteracy
3. Corruption
4. Unemployment
5. Child Labour
6. Health Problem
Sacracy of lack of basic necessities.
A large chunk of population lives below poverty line. They live in miserable conditions. Poverty itself gives rise to various other social problems. Illiteracy:
Inability to read and write is called illiteracy.
Basic causes are:
Lack of resources.
High cost of education.
Lack of institutions and acess
Corruption is the prime reason behind the economical unstableness.
Corruption has spread into the world and has ruined the economy.
Pakistan has been ranked at 42nd number among the most corrupt nations of the world.
Unemployment is a major social problem caused by poor economical system.
Causes of unemployment are:
Lack of funds followed by unorganized system and lack of new projects are causing unemployment worldwide.
There are many reasons of unemployment like influx of machinery that has replaced manpower.
Health problems:
Health is another social problem caused by poor economical conditions.
The cost of living is ever increasing and shortage of funds is a usual problem worldwide.
There are less hospitals and medical centers and if there are any, the people are unable to afford their and their children health expenses So the health problems grow unchecked.
Child labor:
Children who deserve to be educated are forced to do work.
The circulation of money is restrained to rich people only causing the poor to become more poor.
In past, some countries refused to import those goods from Pakistan in whose making children were employed.
Due to growing inflation (rise) and poverty, parents are bound to send their children to work to light their stoves.
Economical problems:
1. Power crises
2. War on terrorism
3. Declining export