Diabetes – can reduce the blood supply to the foot and can cause loss of feeling, this can mean that foot injuries do not heal well.…
Diabetic Neuropathy, the areas where the nerves are damaged, are very common. It's caused by the high concentration of glucose. It can cause a patient to lose the control of an area in the body. The common areas are either the arm, feet or even both. Diabetics frequently feel numbness, tingling or even burning in their feet, and it can make the diabetic to injure themselves without them noticing. Cuts and blisters can turn to pressure sores, which become infected and very difficult to heal. These sores can cause the patient to lose a leg, foot, and even can cause the patient to…
Phobias are very common. The Association of Psychiatry defines phobia as an excessive and persistent fear of a specific thing (American Psychiatric Association, 2012). Sally, who has a dog phobia since she was in second grade because of a negative experience has anxiety when she meets someone and is asked to go to a new place where she does not know if there is a dog present or not. To explain Sally’s phobia and how it was developed theories are used on how or why she developed the fear of dogs. Phobias can be explained by classical conditions, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Overcoming phobias can be done with extinction and cognitive theory.…
Phobias and addictions can be very difficult on a mental standpoint. The definition of a phobia is an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation (Webster). There are many kinds of phobias such as, Cynophobia the fear of dogs could be a result of being bitten as a child or being cornered by a dog. Other fears could be Astraphobia the fear of lightening as a child you were scared of storms so you developed a phobia on storms. Acrophobia is fear of heights and the fear of falling you are high up you might have an anxiety attack…
Millions of Americans suffer from phobias and addictions. Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning are psychological processes in which a person learns. Webster defines a phobia is an irrational fear towards a situation, object or thing, which in turn becomes a strong desire to prevent or avoid it. Common phobias include claustrophobia a fear of tight and closed in spaces, necrophobia is a fear of dead things in general however it is used to describe the fear of corpses. People who suffer from these and other phobias go to extensive lengths to avoid these things in question, when a sufferer cannot avoid the situation they will become overwhelmed with anxiety during the encounter or said activity. Many people have phobias from traumatic experiences that have taken place at different points in their lives. Phobias can also be caused by life experiences. If someone experiences a traumatic house fire they can develop the unreasonable fear of fire. This occurs when similar conditions are displayed or fire is present in certain situations.…
hypersensitive.” In my case, I get really bad allergies towards cat fur, dust and spring time. The…
A phobia is a fear that is so irrational that the amount of fear is not warranted by cause and it interferes with the daily functioning of the sufferer (Antczak, 2011). Classical conditioning leads to phobias by way of learning. An example of a phobia is seeing a needle and fainting. You may have had a bad experience with getting a shot so once you see the needle it may cause you to have a reaction to just the sight of it (Kowalski & Weston, 2011). You know as an adult that it is painless, but the phobia kicks in and may even cause you to faint. Another example of a phobia could be to sound. If you hear a car horn honk or tires screech, followed by a crash, you then may associate every honk or screech to a car accident and you will probably stay away from that part of the road in the future to avoid these…
Specific phobias are among the most common psychological problems (Kessler et al. 2005); however, specific phobias are seldom the primary reason that individuals seek treatment (Brown et al. 2001b). Because specific phobias are rarely the focus of clinical attention, there is a common—though in many cases mistaken—perception that specific phobias are straightforward and uncomplicated. In addition, because the fear associated with specific phobias is typically limited to the phobic stimuli and rarely associated with pervasive anxiety outside of the phobic situation, some believe that specific phobias are necessarily less severe than other anxiety disorders. The clinical picture of specific phobias, however, can be very different. Individuals with specific phobias can incur serious life impairment, such as failure to obtain necessary medical care, interference with social activities, and lost time and reduced productivity at work. In some cases, the impairment is comparable to that seen in other mental disorders (Wittchen et al. 1998). In addition, phobias are sometimes associated with complex symptom profiles, including physiological symptoms, extensive coping and avoidance behaviors, and unhelpful or distorted cognitions. Therefore, a thorough assessment using multiple methods is important to evaluate the idiosyncrasies of each client’s presentation. The purpose of this chapter is to review the elements of a comprehensive, evidence-based assessment and treatment plan for specific phobia. It will provide an overview of diagnostic and clinical features of specific phobia, review the empirical status of commonly used assessment and treatment methods, and conclude with recommendations for assessment and intervention.…
Seemingly unbearable smells, overweight patients, biohazardous material, infectious diseases, and sanitation are just some of the many things that we think of when we hear “Diabetic Ulcers”. Diabetic ulcers are just one of many issues that a diabetic patient may be prone to while treating their diabetes. Even though it is possible for a diabetic person to get an ulcer on any part of their body, the most common place an ulcer occurs is on the foot. A diabetic ulcer is defined as an ulcer or gradual disintegration or necrosis of skin tissue, usually of the lower extremities, associated with diabetes mellitus (medicaldictionary.com). There are several affects that can contribute to the onset of diabetic ulcers, but some of the most common are charcot, neuropathy, and peripheral artery disease. Most diabetic patients who have those affects are seen by a wound care specialist and/or podiatrist as a proactive measure to prevent serious complications such as diabetic ulcers.…
Phobias: Is an unreasonable yet strong fear of a certain objects, class of objects or situation. Nearly half of all people report having phobia. Common phobias include fear of crowds, darkness, heights and animals such a snakes or spides. Phobia sufferers experience fear and a strong desire to escape whatever they encounter the phobic object or situation. Most people are able to aviod the object of their phobia cause personal distress or when aviodance of it interferes with a person’s ability to carry out normal activities, mental health professionals classify it as ‘ Anxiety Disorders “. These sufferes may need specialized treatment to overcome their phobias.Many phobias have a special names.The fear of heights is ‘‘Acrophobia”. Agoraphobia is the dread of open…
Some people may even enjoy having a strange phobia, not forgetting that some fears that clients have are realistic but it is the reaction to the situation that can be addressed. Symptoms of a phobia include excessive or unreasonable fear, recognising the fear is excessive or unreasonable, the trigger of phobic response always causing anxiety and avoidance in whatever causes the phobic response. Physical and emotional reactions to a phobia include; shallow breathing and increased heart rate at just the thought of the possibility of encountering the phobia, anxious and tense, shame, embarrassment and possibly…
Foot care is a huge factor with having diabetes. If you have diabetes you should take extreme care of your feet. You should self inspect your feet at least once daily and if you by chance get an injury to a foot seek medical care early on. Also, make sure that your health care provider checks your feet at least once a year but more often if you have foot problems. Call your health care provider if you have calluses, corns, or ingrown toenails for they can trim them for you if you cannot do so safely. Always trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with a nail file. Remember to also tell your doctor if you have abnormal changes in your feet such as numbness or pain, and changes in color, shape. When examining your bare feet look for red spots, cuts, swelling, and blisters. You should maintain a good schedule and wash your feet every day, dry them carefully, especially between the toes. Patients suffering with diabetes should never walk barefoot, they should wear comfortable shoes that fit well and serve as a good protective barrier for the feet. It is also very important to keep your feet elevated when sitting so they maintain good blood flow; another activity to keep blood flowing to the feet is wiggling the toes and moving the ankles up and down for 5 minutes two or three times daily.…
Another major bodily concern with diabetes is the different foot complications that can arise. Neuropathy, poor circulation, and amputation are just a few of the complications that can exist. Neuropathy is a loss of feeling. This can lead to unknown foot injuries. It can also lead to uncomfortable change in shape of your foot.…
Simple phobias are from a single stimulus, for example fear of heights or enclosed spaces. Complex phobias are where there can be a number factors. For example, a person may have a fear of flying but within this are fears of a plane crash, enclosed places and a fear of losing control. Social phobias are those associated with what may happen when one is in the company of others (Module 5 Class Notes). There are primarily three categories: Agoraphobia, Social phobia and Specific phobia, which can then be subdivided into subtypes and finally conditions DSM-IV, 1994. Phobias may be the consequence of a number of factors. Stress and anxiety could result in the development of a phobia, directly linked to a specific stimulus. However, stress can also result in what is termed, ‘displaced phobias’. This is when an individual is experiencing stress in one aspect of their life but the phobia manifests in another. An example of this could be a person who is stressed in a work situation, developing a phobia of a bridge they pass everyday on their way to work. In this instance ‘displacing’ the stress from work, to the bridge. A phobia can also be caused by a cumulative impact of a series of negative experiences. For example, being held underwater as a child by a playful brother of sister. Later experiencing difficult or uncomfortable episodes with water, over time developing into a fear of being in water. Similar to anxieties, phobias can be learned or even…
Phobias are the most common mental disorder. A phobia is a strong fear of something that usually isn’t dangerous.…