In the dialogue, Socrates states that “the law is not concerned to make any one class specially happy, but to ensure the welfare of the commonwealth as a whole” (Plato, Republic pg.52). This can be applied to the ethics and issues that clinical social workers often deal with. According to the Clinical Social Work Association’s code of ethics states that clinical social work’s “commitment [is] to the dignity, well-being, and self-determination” of the clients (Clinical Social Work Association ). Therefore, clinical social workers should always strive to obtain social justice for any economic class, culture, race, gender, etc. Since it is part of their duty by code of ethics, social workers often face the economic and political issues of their clients. Clinical social workers should be able to recognize when a law or community guidelines interferes with their ability to work effectively or hinders a client’s progress. Then they should take action to have that law or guideline removed or changed to benefit the whole community. For example, if a social worker hears that their client got fired from their job over racial or sexual discrimination, the social worker has to take action against the place of business. Also, if a client is being denied of welfare because of an unfair guideline, the social worker should act as an advocate to have the guideline changed. The actions of clinical social workers will not only benefit the …show more content…
So social workers must also avoid being part of the problem. Another common ethical issue that arises in the field of clinical social work is the lack of professional’s cultural competence. Foreign clients often struggle to find counselors who know their language and traditions. This may cause them to feel isolated and misunderstood, and it prevents the clients from getting proper treatment. Clinical social workers who are ethnocentric will not be able to work with clients who come from different ethnic backgrounds. It is crucial for them to remove any ignorance that may prevent them from working efficiently with diverse groups and backgrounds. These groups include various cultural, racial, gender, and sexual groups. An effective clinical social worker makes the effort to obtain the knowledge and skills to work with clients with diverse backgrounds. If one follows Plato’s metaphysics and epistemology, they would realize that clinical social workers do not only have an obligation to their clients of specific groups, but the community as a