Dr. Jarvis
ENG 124-Z6
4 January 2014
Solimini’s Use of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos When we read a particular piece of literature the author has a main point that she wishes to be heard and understood. In order to do this effectively, many writers use Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle. The interplay of presenting facts, soliciting emotional responses, and creating a tone of credibility is important in order to persuade the reader of the writer’s point of view. The use of logos cites facts, statistic, and evidence to substantiate the claims made and to validate the argument. Pathos is used to bring emotion to the work so the reader can connect on a psychological level. This is accomplished using certain words, quotes, interviews, or images. Words can elicit feelings of sympathy, pity, anger, or can motivate entire crowds of people to action. Last, but certainly as important as the two preceding concepts, is ethos. This allows the author to set a persuasive tone in the work that makes the piece a believable and trustworthy source of information. It …show more content…
allows the author to write with conviction, from experience, or from a place of passion that allows the reader to understand that the writer is truly vested in the topic.
Aristotle used the terms logos, pathos, and ethos, placing them in a triangular format, to emphasize the importance of their interrelationship when writing a persuasively. For example, in Solimini’s article “Healing the Family After the Loss of a Child”, these three concepts are utilized. She states three methods of healing, “…focus[ing] on caring for their surviving children”, “…celebrat[ing] their child’s life through charitable foundations”, and “…rally[ing] around a political cause that works to avoid the loss” can be beneficial to families in the healing process (12). We can agree that the death of a child is tragic. To draw us in emotionally, Solimini makes the claim that “there is no word or phrase in the English language that means ‘parent of a deceased child’ ” (12). By looking at the three central points of Solimini’s thesis, we can analyze and understand how the work has achieved its desired effect of informing the reader through the use of logos, eliciting emotion through pathos, and by the use of ethos persuade the reader that the work is credible. Solimini’s introductory paragraphs blend the use of logos, pathos, and ethos in her thesis Solimini’s already set the tone by beginning her piece by appealing to the pathos. She quotes from family members as they grieve the loss of their children though a tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She opens with a quote from Jeremy Richman, “We haven’t gotten through the grief…” (12). This use of pathos creates an emotionally charged beginning that captures the reader’s attention. She continues by citing research that grounds her argument in logos. By quoting Greeff’s research, that “one factor in the success or failure of the parents to move forward is resiliency… ” (12), her argument gains believability. Furthermore, she argues that parents that “withdraw into their grief” run the risk of never recovering from their loss (13). Ethos is established in the introduction by setting a tone of professionalism and balancing logos and pathos equally. The reader relates to the story emotionally and is provided worldly facts to gain a better perspective of how these families can heal. This allows us to respect Solomini as a writer.
As we move into the body of the paper, logos, pathos, and ethos are used to further convince the reader of what Solimini believes to be the best way parents can heal from a tragic loss.
One method of healing is to focus on the surviving siblings if applicable. Solimini retells of the emotional struggles of the Pozner family story. This clearly appeals to the emotion as we read how this family is moving through the grief, and how the mother is focusing her attention on her daughter’s healing process. She restates her thesis, and uses logos, by referencing a study by Parker and Dunn “…to continue to care for remaining children is one on the strongest means by which a parents can begin to piece their lives back together …” to make her point clear (14). Ethos is conveyed by the direct, yet empathetic tone of her writing, making it clear she has a genuine interest for the children’s best
Solimini’s second claim of her thesis states “Another way for parents grieving the loss of their child to cope has been to establish a charitable organization…” (14). She uses the story of Emilie Parker, and her love of art, to gain an emotional connection to the reader. Pathos is used by Solimini by stating “Her [Emilie] name will no longer be synonymous only with the pain that day…” to solicit feelings of healing and create empathy in the reader (15). Her use of logos reinforces her viewpoint by citing research that focuses on the therapeutic effects of remembrance. Solimini places focus on the facts, citing research by Parker and Dunn, that state ”…stories helped them cope…” (15). Solimini describes the how this charitable organization will benefit children in the future. This gives the reader glimpse of ethos as the author positively sheds light on such a tragic event. We begin to connect not only with the families, but with Solimini as well, as she expresses empathy for those involved in the shooting.
The final part of Solmini’s thesis focuses on remembrance as well as activism. The Wheeler family, who has suffered the same tragic loss the Pozner’s and Parker’s, has approached the healing process in a different way. They have decided to lobby for gun control reform laws. She quotes Daniel Wheeler, father of six year old Ben, “…we are not done being the best possible parents for our son”(15). Even though Ben is gone, this family still feels that through activism they can be they can continue to be a parent. However, Solimini’s use of logos was weaker in this part of her thesis. Solimini states the Wheeler’s participated in Obama’s radio address on gun control reform laws, but offered very few statics or studies that showed involvement in activism can promote the healing process in grieving parents. With this being said, she still has the respect and attention of the reader by establishing a believable tone and credible style of writing.
Solimini did incorporate the use of pathos, logos, and ethos yet her paper felt more informative that emotional. Solimini cited numerous studies and research to validate her thesis, which may have taken a bit of the emotional draw away from the piece. The reader may find themselves agreeing with her position based more on facts than empathy for the families that suffered such a tragic loss. Her use of ethos was strong. Her work comes across believable and accurate, however with such a sensitive topic, readers might prefer a writing style that had a little more warmth. Each family story is referenced with research that makes the article credible however, in her concluding paragraph, she is still referencing research that supports her argument instead of taking a more emotional direction.
This article allows us to see logos, pathos, and ethos at work. Effective use of pathos will create an emotional connection to these families. Logos allows the reader to reference to research or studies that support Solimini’s argument. Her thesis focused on internal family dynamics, volunteer work, or political action, but lacked the spiritual side so many connect with on a pathos level. There was no mention of how specific cultures or religion might affect how parents move forward in the grieving process. Albeit this was not Solimini’s focus, many of us associate death and dying with an afterlife, higher power, or god. As events unfolded after the incident at Sandy hook, spirituality seemed to be a binding force. The article may come across heavy on the logos and ethos side of Aristotle’s triangle than the pathos for some readers.
This exemplifies the delicate balance that must occur when writing. It will most likely be a struggle for me as well to communicate pathos through my work. I tend to read more analytic and scientific journals that are very light on pathos. I can recognize it in Solimini’s work, but will have to develop a style that will be able to effectively balance all three, in an effort to persuade or inform my audience. Her thesis clearly outlines proactive measures in the healing process, but does not discount the possibility that some parents may never recover from such a tragedy. By dissecting Solimin’s work, we gain a deeper appreciation and respect for Solimini as a writer, we gain knowledge of healing practices used after the tragic loss of a child, and with empathy and hope can relate on emotional level through family stories, so the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School is not forgotten.
Works Cited
Solimini, Jessica. “Healing the Family After the Loss of a Child.” Healing in a Violent Land. Burlington, MA: lulu.com, 2013: 9-19. Print