Somatic nervous system includes all of the neural pathways (neurons) that result in voluntary actions, basically anything that you can tell your brain to do like move your arm or stick out your tongue. The autonomic nervous system includes all of the neural pathways that result in involuntary actions, like your brain telling your eyes to blink or your intestines to contract, basically anything that you cannot control. 2. Describe the dual innervation of the ANS and differentiate the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. DUAL INNERVATION: One organ can receive impulses from both sympathetic and parasympathetic motor neurons (dual innervation); one division …show more content…
3. Explain the relationship between length and response of the preganglionic fibers and postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
The sympathetic division innervates moreorgans than the parasympathetic division.The sympathetic division is more complex it supplies not only the visceral organs in the internal body cavaties but also all visceral structures in the superficial part of the body.All preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic division arise from cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord. The presence of numerous preganglionic sympathitic neurons in the grey matter of the spinal cord produces the lateral horns. The lateral horns are just postlateral to the ventral horns that house somatic motor neurons.
Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the sacral cord are far less abundant than the comprabale sympathetic neurons in the thoracolumbar regions, and lateralhorns are absent in the sacral regionof the spinal cord. 4. Explain the phenomenon of referred …show more content…
All of the PNS fibers use ACh, which is very quickly broken down. The sympathetic system has many branches of the preganglionic axons and so works in a diffuse, but interconnected manner. Sympathetic effects are also longer lasting due to NE, which is not broken down quickly.
8. The precise mechanism of autonomic dysreflexia is not clear. Based on your readings, theorize how the function of the ANS is affected by damage to the spinal cord above T6.
The apparent affects of damage to the spinal cord above T6 are serious. This can affect the ANS is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls visceral functions.The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiration rate, salivation, perspiration, diameter of the pupils, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Whereas most of its actions are involuntary, some, such as breathing, work in tandem with the conscious