Judaism is a wide known religion practiced by many people in multitudinous different countries, particularly in Europe. There is an outstanding number of practicing Jewish people that reside in many villages and towns in Europe. Countless numbers of these Jewish followers participate in Shabbat, also known as Sabbath. In The Son From America, Judaism is actively practiced and the day of Shabbat is recognized in this novel.
There are many countries in Europe that have people practicing the Jewish religion. There is estimated to be 14 million Jewish people in the world, 1.4 million of them practicing this faith in Europe (How Many Jews Are in the World Today?). They make up about 10% of the worlds Jewish population. The country with the highest European-Jewish followers to the population is in Gibraltar, with 2% of people following Judaism. A good majority of these people practice Shabbat when they abide in this religion. Shabbat is a day of rest and celebration that takes place on the 7th day, or more traditionally known as Sunday (Judaism, History and Background). There are 39 acts that Jewish people are forbidden to do on the holy day of Shabbat. Some the activities that they cannot do include driving, using …show more content…
They live in a small, European village in the country of Poland. All of the people in this short story who live in Lentshin, Poland practice Judaism in one form or another. The day of Shabbat, also known as Sabbath in the novel, is mentioned in The Son From America. The mother, Berlcha, is preparing for the sacred day. She is baking bread in advance because she will not be able to cook for her family or use any appliances when the 7th day arrives, “On Friday morning, when Berlcha was kneading the dough for the Sabbath loaves” (Singer, 165). Culture is vigorously found through out The Son From America. The family follows Judaism extremely peculiarly and they also practice the day of