Anna Sward
HNRS 1015
Nan Janecke
November 12, 2013
All You Need Is Love
All You Need Is Love, a famous song written by the legendary Beatles. The lyrics imply that one can do anything if they have love. Sadly, that is not true in the United States. Love is not enough for same-sex couples, but it should be. America is supposed to be the land of the free, a melting pot, and the place where people go to follow their dreams; however, it has succumbed to racism, sexism and homophobia. The LGBT community began to fight back after the Stonewall Riots and are still fighting for the same freedoms heterosexuals currently hold. These freedoms include the right to marry and marriage provides …show more content…
couples with many benefits that only heterosexual couples are privy to. One by one the states are changing their views and legalizing gay marriage, but there are still many states to persuade.
Gay marriage needs to be legalized in all states because the purpose of marriage is love, legalizing gay marriage will not harm heterosexual marriages or the current “family values”, and marriage is a basic civil right.
The view on gay marriage has varied over the last one hundred years. According to the PBS film Stonewall Uprising, in all states besides Illinois, homosexual acts were illegal in 1969. Dr. Socarides, a guest in the film says, “Homosexuality is in fact a mental illness which has reached epidemiological proportions” (Davis, 2011). This was said in the 1960’s just before the Stonewall Riots. Back then, the costs for being gay were extreme, and punishments included sterilization, castration, lobotomies and even shock therapy. There was one institution in California named Atascadero, where the medical extremes were practiced. At Atascadero, they used medical experimentation that included “administering, to gay people, a drug that simulated the experience of drowning; in other words, a pharmacological example of waterboarding” (Davis, 2011). They punished gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trans-genders for something they could not control. A riot member named Doric Wilson reported that many who …show more content…
underwent this treatment, turned into walking vegetables (Davis, 2011). Before the riots at the Stonewall Bar, homosexuality was treated as a contagious sickness of the mind. Law enforcement and the media encouraged citizens to hate all people who were not conforming to the typical mom and dad household with two point three children. Councilman Ed Koch of New York City states, “Gay rights, like the rights of blacks, were constantly under attack and while blacks were protected against constitutional amendments, gays were not protected by law and certainly not the Constitution” (Davis, 2011). That is when the Riots occurred. The Stonewall Bar was located in The Village, a place where gays, lesbians and drag queens could go and be themselves, but the police raided this gay bar frequently, usually in the mid afternoon. One night in the summer of 1969, a group of six policemen raided the bar; however, they were unsuccessful. The police were pushed into the bar and trapped inside, while thousands of people gathered outside in protest. Eventually additional officers showed up in riot uniforms with clubs and face guards, and were again ambushed by the protestors. Soon enough, the police charged and started beating and clubbing people. This went on for a few days and eventually the Stonewall Riots became a part of history. The Riots essentially said to America, “You promised freedom, now get off our backs and deliver on the promise” (Davis, 2011). Since the Stonewall Uprising, sixteen states have legalized gay marriage including New Jersey, Hawaii and Illinois.
Surely, Americans have evolved since the Stonewall Riots, but there is additional progress to be made.
Only sixteen states have legalized gay marriage; moreover, there are still thirty-four states left. The real question is what is keeping people from voting for same-marriage? There are a variety of reasons opponents argue same-sex marriage should be illegal. Their main argument involves the traditional definition of marriage. For generations the definition of marriage has been “a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children with a family” (, 2013). This is supported by religious texts such as the Bible, but there are many arguments as to why the above definition in invalid. To begin, it is also stated in the Bible that women are property of men. It is the twenty-first century and there are equal rights for women, many women participate in the workforce and it is no longer acceptable to suggest that a woman’s place is at home. Supporters are in agreement with Sylvia Law when she stated, “any effort by the state to hardwire sex differences into the concept of marriage perpetuates traditional sex-based stereotypes of man-as-breadwinner and woman-as-housekeeper” (Eskridge, 1993). Everyday an increasing number of Americans become more open-minded and accepting of others, so why can people not be accepting of homosexuals. If people of religion can disregard one statement, why can they not disregard another? Ted Olsen, former US
Solicitor General also argues the definition of marriage. Ted Olsen gave his opinion on marriage, “At its best, it is a stable bond between two individuals who work to create a loving household and a social and economic partnership” (Olson, 2010). Proponents to gay marriage believe this is what the definition of marriage should be and will be in the future.
Gay marriage is opposed not only because of the definition of marriage, but also because critics believe that it could damage the family values of Americans and that the purpose of marriage is to procreate. Family values such as equality, work ethic, and the importance of family are all values that would be strengthened by same-sex marriage, not weakened. The value of equality and work ethic are especially prominent in same-sex couples. Homosexual couples worked extremely hard in order for equality, and giving them the option to become married would only increase the value of their morals. The importance of family is another value that is only being diminished when same-sex couples are forbidden to marry. Marriage is the gateway to family, and without it, the importance of such family becomes invisible. By granting them the right to marry, family will become an increasingly important value in the eyes of Americans. Opponents also argue that the purpose of marriage is to procreate. Advocates for gay marriage dispute that argument because if the purpose was to have children, then infertile couples, couples with no interest in children and couples who were not sexually active, would not be allowed to marry either. Supporters of same-sex marriage agree with when they say, the “ability or desire to create offspring has never been a qualification for marriage” (, 2013).
The last major opposition people have to same-sex marriage is that it is not a civil rights issue. Matthew D. Staver, Dean of the Liberty University School of Law claims, “sexual orientation does not meet any of the three objective criteria shared by the historically protected civil rights categories” ( The three objectives are (1) a history of longstanding, widespread discrimination, (2) economic disadvantage, and (3) immutable characteristics. (, 2013). Advocates for gay marriage disagree and argue that same-sex marriage meets all three criteria. Homosexuals have most certainly undergone a fair share of discrimination throughout the years. They were treated as psychopaths and damaged greatly with ‘treatments’. For example, Dr. Walter Freeman of Atascadero performed ‘ice pick lobotomies’ where “he jammed an ice pick through a homosexual 's eyes into the brain and performed a primitive lobotomy” (Mixner, 2010). This procedure was performed on over four thousand people. Homosexuals were not allowed to become lawyers, doctors, judges or even beauticians. It was a dishonorable discharge from the army if one admitted he or she was a gay. Another example of discrimination is through the government. “Regardless of how completely their lives are intertwined or how deeply they care for each other, individuals in same-sex relationships frequently are treated like strangers under the law — and none are afforded full equality in this country.” (LambdaLegal). These are all examples of longstanding discrimination against the LGBT community. They underwent and suffered through awful procedures and are still treated as strangers in legal terms. Gays are also at an economic advantage when they are not allowed to marry. Marriage provides many benefits that can sustain a couple financially for many years (, 2013). According to, an immutable characteristic is a physical characteristic that is “unalterable and unchanging through time” ( There are many studies now that say people are born homosexual or heterosexual; moreover, being gay is not a choice, it is an unchanging characteristic. Supporters of same-sex marriage challenge Mr. Staver, when he claims being a homosexual is not a civil rights issue, for it does meet all three characteristics of previous cases and should be considered a civil right. Many say same-sex marriage is the last standing major civil rights issue and needs to be addressed now.
America is well on their way to legalizing gay marriage in all states, but without the support from others, it will not be done. America claims it is the land of the free, the country where dreams come true and the place where the happiness of its citizens matter. It is time to act on those claims and make the dream of marriage a reality for homosexual couples and it is time to insure that all you need is love.
Davis, K., & Heilbroner, D. (Directors), & Heilbroner, D. (Writer). (2011). American Experience: Stonewall Uprising [Video]. PBS. Retrieved November 12, 2013, from (n.d.). Immutable. Retrieved November 19, 2013, from
Eskridge, W. N., Jr. (1993). The history of same sex marriage. In Virginia law review (Vol. 79, Ser. 7, pp. 1419-1513). Virginia Law Review.
LambdaLegal. (n.d.). Marriage. Lambda Legal. Retrieved November 19, 2013, from
Mixner, D. (2010, July 28). LGBT History. Retrieved November 19, 2013, from
Olson, T. (2010, January 08). The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage [Editorial]. Newsweek. Retrieved November 16, 2013, from (2013, November 13). Gay Marriage Gay Marriage. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from