
Sonnet 22 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Sonnet 22 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
In the poem, “When our two souls stand up erect and strong (Sonnet 22)” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the topic that is being dramatized is the love that the speaker has for her husband. The speaker in this poem is the author herself, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Browning is the speaker of this poem because this poem was part of her poem collection called the “Sonnets from the Portuguese”. In other words, this poem was written in her perspective;therefore, she expresses her emotions and feelings towards her husband through her written poems. The speaker is someone that has a really strong emotion towards another, shows her affection and dedication she has for someone. Sonnet 22, is about Browning and her fiance’s love to each other. She believed …show more content…
Personification is when a non living thing is given a human action. An alliteration is a repetition of consonant sounds usually at the beginning of a word. Personification is found in various lines. In line 1 of the poem, it stated: “When our two souls stand up erect and strong,/”. The subject that is being personified is the soul which is given an action of standing up straight and strong. In other words, this means that whenever two people that have mutual feelings towards each other, there is nothing that will interfere or break their bond. Regarding to the story, this line starts the poem off with determination that lovers would stand strong together. Another personification is in line 11 where Browning declared: “Contrarious moods of men recoil away/”. Furthermore, the quote is personifying the moods of men recoiling away which demonstrates the feelings of common man ignoring the bond between Browning and her live. The overall meaning is that once their love is on Earth, people who disagrees with her love would eventually isolate them to live in peace. Lastly, alliteration was used in line 9, where Browning said: “Into our deep, dear silence. Let us stay/”. The consonant “d” was treated twice in the quote, which exaggerates the impact of angels on her relationship. It also shows that the live between Browning and her fiancé was really stable that angels would try to ruin

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