accurately 88% of the time and almost all of the cases showed the classic sonographic signs. With intussusception being extremely common and a medical emergency, these results prove that ultrasound is a safe and effective way to confidently diagnose young patients. This could lesson the number of other exams being performed, some which can give off unnecessary radiation, and lead to the appropriate treatment based on severity. Surgeries can also be lessoned by this technique. The authors also discussed that ultrasound can also find incidental findings of free fluid and other soft tissue organ problems that can accompany this condition. This study can pave the way for more studies to be preformed on pediatric patients to improve the standards of care.
accurately 88% of the time and almost all of the cases showed the classic sonographic signs. With intussusception being extremely common and a medical emergency, these results prove that ultrasound is a safe and effective way to confidently diagnose young patients. This could lesson the number of other exams being performed, some which can give off unnecessary radiation, and lead to the appropriate treatment based on severity. Surgeries can also be lessoned by this technique. The authors also discussed that ultrasound can also find incidental findings of free fluid and other soft tissue organ problems that can accompany this condition. This study can pave the way for more studies to be preformed on pediatric patients to improve the standards of care.