a. Tell the parents how manipulative their son is and the limits need to be set.
b. Discuss their sons active suicidality and encourage them to take it seriously.
c. Use a paradoxical intervention
d. Refer the son to a psychiatrist.
I chose D. The correct answer is: discuss their sons active suicidality and encourage the son to take it seriously.
I would make sure that I would assess this client for any mood
disorders, and Bipolar disorder. I would ask if she is currently taking medications, and note what medications that the client is on.
For this case, I would encourage the client that I would still be available on Facetime, and talk with her about the goals for therapy are. I would also tell her how far she has come in sessions here. I would also think about changing my diagnosis and refer this client with a psychiatrist to encourage her to be medically evaluated.
For this question, I would look at my state’s laws. The laws state in Illinois, that you would need to report the suicide to a police officer, or call the suicide hotline (Illinois Department of Public Health, 2017).
We did have a suicidal client in the therapy office. Since, the therapist’s office is in Kentucky, I followed the Kentucky laws. We did refer the client to a psychiatrist to get evaluated. He did get evaluated at the doctor’s office. The doctor changed his medications, and he is currently being seen every week. Since, the client has been coming in for therapy, the client is doing fine, and is closely observed by family members, and the therapist checks in with the client frequently. The client signed a suicide agreement that he would not take his life. A safety plan has been established with the family. We also have been talking with the client about goals, and he stated that he would love to do more fishing in his life.