Sony is a widely known electronic company which was founded in 1946 by Masuru Ibuka and Akio Morita in Tokyo (www The company produces a wide variety of digital products.
Question 1
Change is often defined as the act of making or becoming different. It can also be referred to as a situation whereby a company moves from its current state to a visionary state. Change as explained by (Mullins, 2005) is “a persuasive influence, which is an inescapable part of both organisational and social life, thus we are all subject to continual change in one way or another”.
Therefore company change could be referred to as any alteration of people, structure or technology in an organisation. This is a constant factor in all organisations, since it can’t be ignored and as such all managers need to understand it and know how to react towards it since it is inevitable, and it brings about innovation.