Title: Standard Operating Procedures of Making a Concrete Block. | Department/ Unit: | This Standard Operating Procedures has been done by Department of Production and Manufacturing of Concrete Block | Purpose: | The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedures of making a concrete block is to provide instructions in order to manufacture a concrete block. | Who can perform this SOP: | Skilled worker technician. | Equipment/ Tools Needed: | Personal Protective Equipment: | Safety helmet, goggles, hand gloves and face mask. | Tools: | Sand, cement, water, gravel and formwork. | Reference Materials: | http://www.madehow.com/Volume-3/Concrete-Block.html | Others: | None |
Ref No | 1993/123 | Date | 16 April 2013 | Page No. | 2 |
Procedures: | Mixing Process 1. Store the sand and gravel outside in piles. 2. Transfer them into storagebins by conveyer belts. 3. Store the portland cementInto large vertical silos to avoid moisture. 4. Transfer the required amount of sand. gravel and cement by mechanicalmeans to a weigh batcher to measurethe amount of each material. 5. Flow the weighed materials into a stationary mixer and blend themtogether for several minutes. 6. Add small amount of water to the mixer. | Molding 1. Dump the thoroughly mixed concreteto an inclined bucket conveyer and transport it to an elevated hopper. 2. Convey the concrete to another hopper on top of the block machine at a measured flow rate . When they are full so that the downward force will mold the concrete. The upper mold head will compact the molds 3. Push the compacted molds down and out of the molds onto a flat steel pallet. 4. Push the pallet and blocks out of the machine onto a chain conveyer. | Curing 1. Convey the pallets of blocks to an automated stacker that will place them in a curing rack. Move the rack into a curing kiln when it is full. 2. Hold the