A precise rationale, and justification, for sustainable life-time customer/consumer value, detailing a proposed, new marketing ‘initiative’ recommended for your brand/organisation (or your chosen brand/organisation), your ‘critical assessment/evaluation’ of your chosen direction, how it aligns with your organisation’s corporate direction together with a full critical evaluation of the data on which it is based, together with a SOS(TAC) Marketing Plan framework. SMART Objectives are anticipated as well as elaboration of the (marketing/operational) advantages/benefits and implications for your organisation and its customers.
2) In implementing your chosen option (SOS)TAC, demonstrate in detail how the organisational processes towards implementation of both Marketing and Operations must work, and integrate, together effectively as disciplines, functions and departments for the successful introduction of sustainable customer/consumer value. You are likely to develop a strategic perspective on the 7Ps of Marketing and an Appendix MS Project/Gantt Chart (50+ activities) to evidence the nature and sequence of actions that the organisation must undertake, including internal marketing and partnership collaboration. (30%)
3) Insightful and critical assessment/evaluation of those areas of ‘difficulty’ and ‘integration’ that you argue as ‘high risk’. For example;
You need to explain and critically evaluate how both marketing and operations will integrate to support and drive your chosen initiative. Show how marketing and operations can be harmonised into one cohesive organisational strategy, and critically develop a ‘risk assessment model’ of thefeasibility, acceptability, viability, sustainability, vulnerability of all areas considered in your chosen strategy
• Marketing: changes in consumer buyer/user expectations and/or behaviour associated in dealing with this medium; sub-branding issues, pricing/value strategies, customer service, benefits