The overall energy of the concert was high when they were performing, they also used a lot of onstage lighting and special
The overall energy of the concert was high when they were performing, they also used a lot of onstage lighting and special
The lights on the sides of the stage shines right into the audience’s faces that were sitting on the far sides of the house. Besides this distraction, the lighting was often very dim or sparsely lit. I thought it might have been a limitation of the space, but there were a few scenes that were very well lit, so I was confused about the purpose of that. It didn’t really seem to add much to the production and was much more distracting in its limitations than it was enhancing. Sound was a prominent part of the show, often used during the fight scenes. I actually liked the use of sound in the fight scenes. Although the intense music was another component of the over-dramatic action of the show, I felt that it was one of the few necessary ones. There obviously needed to be some sound to fill this time, and it would have been odd for it to be something other than the intense mood that was clearly trying to be created. Besides…
and it let the audience have the opportunity to experience all of them at the same performance. There are many talented soloists and thanks to them and the band leader working together to create this marvelous concert to…
from the lights, to the choreography. At the first view of the stage, the audience was…
This concert gives me a good chance to get access to the new style of the music. I think it is a very exciting concert. All the performers are highly emotional act in the concert. Also the type of music attracts me a lot. I wish I could take part concert like this again.…
Time period: At this time in history people were living very flamboyant life styles and that really showed in the complexity of the music along with the decorations and stage work.…
of a younger age like myself. They were playing to a pretty packed house, there were…
Each choir was singing a different piece by John Rutter. In our choir there were about 8 different choirs that came together for this. The HCCYC was the only choir that included any middle schoolers, but since I skipped first grade, I was the only eleven-year-old on the stage throughout the entire performance. The concert started at eight-o'clock that night and we were the first act. We walk out of stage and everything hits us all at once. The entire venue is absolutely gorgeous, even more so when it is filled up with people. Everyone gets into their places, and Mr. Rutter had us pull out our music, and he started the orchestra. The entire room filled with the gorgeous sounds of the brass, woodwind, strings, and the heavy pounding of the percussion. We start to sing this glorious piece, and that feeling right then is one I will never forget. We all became so overwhelmed with the beauty of the music and it was simply a night to remember. This was the largest, most intense concert I have ever performed in. I got to have such an amazing experience on stage with such an amazing group of people in such a legendary venue, and it has given a whole different perspective on what making music really…
The singing ability in this show was spectacular. I was impressed by the lyrics of the songs as well as how the acting fit right in with the vocals. The dancing was phenomenal. I felt that the audience was a little dry and slow to react to the dialogue. For how much energy the show provided, I am unsure as to why the audience did not connect.…
The concert venue on Friday night which held the show provided a warm and inviting environment for its guests. Especially, when attending the show with some friends from my Music 33 class. It made the show and the overall experience much better.…
opus 22. The Dvorak was in five movements lasting a little over half an hour.…
Seeing them in concert was amazing, because of their passion for what they do. You could see that they knew their music made an impact, and that drove them. How their music changes people’s lives leaves me in awe. The music doesn’t just change lives it has saved them. There is no better example than the man who saved his own life after hearing “I’m Moving On”. Or even the experience they gave a women…
Compared to all the other concerts that I have gone to, that concert was a change in the atmosphere. I remember last month going to my sister’s Jazz concert. I remember walking in the theater a little bit late, but remember hearing the sound of the trumpets in the background. As soon as I walked in, I realized that it has totally different atmosphere from what my expectations were for the Jazz concerts. Unlike all the other concerts I attended, this concert intended for small audience, probably around a hundred people. Also, this jazz concert seemed very relaxed and comfortable. Most of people were dressed very casual, a lot of them were the kid’s parents and they were wearing jeans and shirts. But the musicians were dressed in suit and dress in all black. I remember that in a…
They then played “Bossallegro” which had a happy melody and made me feel as if I was in New Orleans. It had a dance tempo and flowing sound. I felt that special Guest Jason Marshall did much better with this song and kept up with the tempo and harmony of everyone…
At that point it was shade time; yet rather than the normal lights down and music up it was the Angry Inch band that propelled the show with shameless energy.…
And while venue was huge, there was barely enough room for all of the musianins on the stage, it looked like everybody was trying to take up as little room as possible so they can all fit up there. So I think that the musicians would have been a lot more comfortable and the concert would have looked a lot neater if the stage was a little bit bigger. I also think that the seating areas for the audience should have been a little bit bigger because everybody was kind of packed together. And while there were a couple of seats free in the venue, I really believe that having more seat in the venue for the audience would make a lot of people's concert experience better in many ways. But the seating problem does not change that the venue, in my eyes, was beautiful. I really loved the structure of the venue, it was really modern and it looked like something you would see on television. I also truly think that the feel of the venue really did suit the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and the amazing pieces they played during their concert. Also, from what I heard and saw in the video, the venue had great acoustics and a very high performance environment, which made my want to be at the concert in person even…