EYES – the organs of sight. We learn much about the environment through these senses.
We learn about the people, things and happenings around us.
To students,eyes are very important. Eyes makes students understand their lessons better by observing, reading ang analysing facts.
With the eyes we may avoid accidents ant other cicumstances that makes us sick.
1st Group
• Myopia - nearsightedness, clearly sees object near them. Concave lense is advisable to lengthen the focus.
• Hyperopia - farsightedness, can see far objects clearly while the near objects appear blurred. Convex lense should be worn to shorten the focus.
• Astigmatism - caused by the irregular curve of the cornea or eye lens, this condition leads to blurred vision. Symptoms include dizziness, indigestion, heart palpitation and headeache.
• Cross- eyed - caused by the unbalanced movement of the eye mucle that supports the eyeball. The retina is not focused correctly.
• Color Blindness - difficulty in identifying colors. This is hereditary and common to males.
2nd Group
• Stye - infections in the small oil glands of the eyes, commonly called sore eyes, this infection in the eyelid or eyeball covering causes redness in the eyes.
• Trachoma - granular eyelid, is an inflammation in the eye covering producing granules causing eyelid and cornea deformities. It is caused by virus and is contagious.
• Glaucoma - is a serious ailment that causes blindness among individuals who are forty years old and above. This is caused by a strong pressure in the eyeballs. Symptoms include headache, pain in the eyes, blurred vision and obstructed vision.
• Cataract – is the clouding of the lense in the eye that affects the vision. Common symptoms are cloudy or blurry vision, poor night vision, double or multiple images in one eye.
1. When reading:
a. The distance between the eyes and the book should be approximately