Dear teacher, parents and fellow students I am here today to address the problem that “Too many young people today have unhealthy lifestyles”
Today I am going to discuss the topic above I agree with the motion. In this world today a small majority of young people have an active lifestyle and major majority do not exercise and have an unhealthy lifestyles. Young people today prefer to play computer and video games instead of taking part in physical education. A large number of the population are obese and do very little exercise.
As a result to the above a lot of young people are not walking to school anymore they are getting dropped off by their parents. Young people today don’t want to walk and they are more ranges of transport available for them to get to school. I know this is true because I see this happening in my school every day they are a lot of people who live locally being picked up by their parents instead of walking. Is it any wonder that young people have unhealthy lifestyles?
In the last few years more junk food has become available for the younger and older generation. I recently read an article that stated over 327,000 children is either obese or over weight in Ireland. I was shocked at how many young people are obese in Ireland alone. More junk food such as sweets and crisps has become available as it is a cheaper to buy than healthier alternatives. Most young people is left to fend for themselves as their parents is working and result in eating more junk food instead of cooking a healthy meal.
Another major problem why young people lives unhealthy lifestyles is from things that they inhale such as smoke and some even result in taking drugs. I recently saw a figure that one quarter of fifteen year olds are regular smokers and one in three has tried drugs such as cannabis. Smoking and inhaling drugs at a young age cause major problems in adult life and can result in lung cancer and