In order for you to fully understand how unequal men and women actually are, I will be explaining situations that occur even at this very second. Men and women do not receive equal pay. In elementary school where the women comprise of almost 100% of the workforce get paid 59% of a male teacher pay. Why is this though, why do women get paid less then men. The most important reason to this is that the more women who have the same job, the greater the earning penalty. So if we were to look at secondary educations where women only comprise of only 56% of the work force, we will see that the women actually get paid 83% of the male teacher's earnings. Women also don't have as much on-the-job training as men. So what are we doing about this issue? Now I will talk to you about the attempts women have made to resolve this issue
In 1923 the National Women's party proposed an equal right amendment that "equality of rights under the law should not be denied or abridged by the