I want to be able to offer my great knowledge and experiences, to one day improve the lives of so many little ones. I have loved working with children from a very young age, ever since I had to technically help my parents with raising my own siblings. And I have had the privilege to currently be employed in a daycare where I am able to work with kids, and observe them in there most natural state. I even find it funny when I catch my self observing these toddlers and preschooler’s speech when they are having a regular conversation; as I try to listen for any misarticulated sounds. Now it has become a natural instinct of mine when I am around
I want to be able to offer my great knowledge and experiences, to one day improve the lives of so many little ones. I have loved working with children from a very young age, ever since I had to technically help my parents with raising my own siblings. And I have had the privilege to currently be employed in a daycare where I am able to work with kids, and observe them in there most natural state. I even find it funny when I catch my self observing these toddlers and preschooler’s speech when they are having a regular conversation; as I try to listen for any misarticulated sounds. Now it has become a natural instinct of mine when I am around