In this analysis I will be talking about the different types of language used in the article “Time smokers were made to clear the air”, written by: Alice Clarke, published in the Herald Sun on February 11th 2013. The Headline tells the readers that it is a serious article about putting more bans on smoking. The writer starts the article with a humorous, but interesting sentence, she says “I say this with love, but people are stupid”. This opening sentence really catches the reader’s attention and makes him/her quite intrigued. The first paragraph has no facts, evidence or statistics what so ever, it is very opinionative. The writer generalises the public, saying that a lot of people like to do things that are bad for them even after knowing how bad they are. She then inputs her own opinion by saying that “the Law needs to step in every now and then to stop us from hurting other people”.…
Do we recommend this for non-smokers? Of course not, but for current smokers this is the most revolutionary device to date.”…
Nicotine is an alkaloid present in plants of the Family Solanaceae. Most commonly found in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), nicotine serves as a plant secondary chemical to protect plants against insects and other herbivores. Nicotine is an addictive stimulant in mammals, and is commonly used in cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco. Nicotine can be administered to the body in many ways: orally through smoking tobacco, inhaling vaporized nicotine, or ingesting nicotine substances such as gum or lozenges; nasally via snuff or nasal spray; and transdermal modes such as patches or topical gels. Nicotine quickly crosses the blood brain barrier, typically in under 20 seconds, and has a half-life of around 2 hours.…
There is some truth in this, but it is highly unlikely. If you are mixing your own liquid nicotine formula, then you do need to pay attention to dosages, and make sure that your ecigarette cartridges do not contain more than an 18 mg strength of nicotine. This is a wise safety precaution, which most people seem willing to follow. If you purchase a liquid that is a higher strength, say 36 mg, then the mixture should be diluted before you smoke it. Other substances in the home can be just as dangerous as nicotine.…
A smoking habit is a physical addiction to tobacco products that holds serious health consequences. (Encyclopaedia of Children’s…
assive smoke is when non-smokers are breathing in the smoke that a smoker is smoking. Passive smoking is not good, because non-smokers breathe it in, as well as the smoker, and it is very harmful for the non-smokers as well as the smoker. It is also a huge source of indoor air pollution. Four-fifths of the smoke that builds up in a room with a smoker is the more harmful "sidestream" type. Tobacco smoke has over 4,000 chemical compounds, which includes 40 carcinogenic agents that are cancer-causing. Tobacco smoke also has carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous gas, that inhibits the transportation of someone's oxygen to their body's vital organs via the blood. Also, the smoke that is emitted from the tip of a cigarette has almost double the concentration…
Once considered a harmless pleasure, smokeless tobacco came to the fore front of health news at the turn of the millennium due to increasing evidence that it is just as dangerous as cigarette smoking. In fact, most medical professionals now agree that smokeless tobacco--also known as "chaw" or "chew"--is equally addictive and carcinogenic, and have come to consider the substance as contributing to the U.S. tobacco epidemic. Despite the medical community's efforts to warn people beginning in the mid-1980s, the use of smokeless tobacco was on the rise as of the U.S. Surgeon General's report in 1997, which pinpointed young males as the largest growth area. Adolescent use of moist snuff, a powdered form of smokeless tobacco, has also skyrocketed,…
Chances are you probably already know that smoking is bad for you, but you might not know the whole story. The negative impacts of smoking affect almost every aspect of your life in ways you might not even have dared to imagine. Educating yourself on the wide variety of problems smoking may cause is an effective reminder to not start smoking --if you don't smoke already--and a strong source of motivation to quit, if you do.…
"You don 't smoke it. You don 't swallow it. All you do is slosh it around your mouth and spit out the brown juices every few seconds" (Bellenir 79). Let 's explore the topic smokeless tobacco (ST), more commonly known as chewing tobacco, spitting tobacco, chew, snuff, dip, or spit. Smokeless tobacco comes in two forms: chewing tobacco or snuff ("Top Facts: Spit / Smokeless Tobacco"). My curiosity about chewing tobacco was originally about the harmful side effects that this form of tobacco takes on a person. However, as I started to think more about chewing tobacco, I began to wonder what age group is primarily effected by chewing tobacco and how cigarettes compare to smokeless tobacco.…
“The more you chew, the more lip you lose.” -Anonymous. The American Cancer Society (ACS) shares that spit or smokeless tobacco is a less lethal, but still unsafe, alternative to smoking. No form of smokeless tobacco is a safe substitute for cigarettes. Still, tobacco companies often market these products as alternatives to smoking in places where smoking is not allowed (Smokeless). Many uniformed consumers of smokeless tobacco, including my boyfriend seem to believe the media hype and tobacco companies that smokeless tobacco is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. However, research shows that three out of four daily users of snuff and chewing tobacco have pre-cancerous lesions in the mouth. This essay will provide…
Ever since the Maya and Aztecs introduced tobacco smoking in South America, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with millions addicted to this drug. The combination of tobacco and nicotine is endearing to its users. Only in the past century have researchers discovered the inherent danger of this substance. Ever since, the quest has been on for a cigarette that would not be as catastrophically dangerous.…
The use of tobacco products is increasing, especially among young people. Many feel that it is a stress reliever or simply enjoy the feeling. In 2014, the electronic cigarette became the most used tobacco…
Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will be educated on the what caffeine is and the advantages and disadvantages of caffeine consumption.…
Another vice that is commonly used to feed nicotine addiction is chewing tobacco. Although there is a large difference in chewing tobacco and smoking tobacco, they perform the same process. Chewing tobacco’s nicotine content enters the human system through the mouth tissues that it comes in contact with. This type of tobacco contains materials that cause abrasions on the skin and gums in the mouth creating a direct connection between the chemicals and blood stream. Chewing tobacco, per use, normally lasts longer than the amount of time a person spends smoking a cigarette. This means there is a prolonged exposure…
than nonsmoking males. A person’s reflex to cough is a defensive action that prevents foreign…