The campaign, launched in June 2007, shows people wiggling their pinkies at young men who are speeding.
The campaign has got the community and young people talking and thinking about speeding – that’s the first crucial step in getting young drivers to slow down.
A wiggling pinkie now has another meaning – slow down and stop acting recklessly on our roads because stupid driving behaviour can cost your life in the blink of an eye.
76 per cent of people surveyed believed the campaign increased community awareness about speeding and understood the …show more content…
campaign’s clear anti-speeding message.
The campaign is about saving lives – not pride.
If it dents a few egos but helps save a life, then it’s worth it.
An independent survey, commissioned by the RTA’s Road Safety Marketing, found: * 53 per cent of the general population and 53 per cent of young males (17-25 years) said that they would be more likely to comment on someone’s driving as a result of seeing the ‘Pinkie’ campaign. * 64 per cent of the general population, and 63 per cent of young male drivers, believed the campaign to have some effect in encouraging young male drivers to obey the speed limit. * 74 per cent of the general population and 75 per cent of young males revealed strong recognition of the anti-speeding message, aimed at making speeding socially unacceptable and at undermining the perceived pay off for speeding. * 60 per cent of the general population and 59 per cent of young males recognised the meaning behind the message, that speeding is not cool, does not impress, or is stupid.
The aim of the ‘Speeding – no one thinks big of you’ campaign is to make speeding socially unacceptable.
In NSW speeding is a factor in about 40 per cent of road deaths each year. This means more than 200 people die each year in NSW because of
In addition to those killed, more than 4000 people are injured in speed-related crashes each year. The estimated cost to the community of speed-related crashes is about $780 million a year.(rta)
In New South Wales, the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is responsible for improving road safety by educating drivers about a range of road safety issues and encouraging behaviour change.
Speeding remains the RTA’s biggest problem. Speeding is the biggest contributor to the annual NSW road toll, consistently accounting for around 40% of deaths.2
Over the five year period from 2002 to 2006, 1051 people died on NSW roads in speed-related crashes. 85% of those victims were blokes.
The objective of this RTA campaign, ‘Speeding – no one thinks big of you’, is to make speeding socially unacceptable. Part of this campaign is the sponsorship of the RTA SpeedBlitz Blues. Raising awareness about the consequences of speeding, and changing attitudes towards speeding among young male drivers, are aims of this campaign.