Question 1: In order to evaluate the two manufacturers Wai Lung (WL) and Wah Shing (WS), we use the weighted point method. (Trent p.24). The advantages of this methodology include the ability for the firm to include numerous evaluation factors and assign them weights according to the organization’s needs. (Khaled, Sanjoy p.3). We allocate an amount of “weight” to the different criteria based on importance. We choose the following criteria to select the supplier:
Responsiveness and experience - As a growing company and with this being the first time they ship product for a planogram, Spin Masters needs a reliable manufacturer with a proven track record to keep up with the high expectations and tight tolerance needed for this project.
Quality - Competition in China, “pushes suppliers to over promise quality of products just to get the order” (Huang p.6). It is difficult for companies to control the supplier sources of raw material in China. Spin Master is concerned about the possibility that this material could be coming from mainland China, where generally quality assurance is known to be inferior to those of Hong Kong. Any issues with quality will affect the viability of the project.
Expertise/tooling – Spin Master has four months to complete something that would normally take five to six months and their product requires precision engineering in order to stay within a tight design requirements. Strong technical Knowledge on the product by the manufacturer would facilitate the process; also, the supplier must be able to make the 50 parts needed for the product in addition to prototype moulds and other tooling required for mass production.
Capacity – Qualified and experienced personnel is critical for this project. Due to time crunch position Spin Master was in, they required a manufacturer with enough available capacity to be able to dedicate time and resources.
Total Cost –The Canadian company is promising high
References: Khaled A.A, Paul Kumar sanjoy, Chakraborty Kumar Ripon and Md. Salahuddin Ayuby, “Selection of Suppliers through Different Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques.” Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Global Journals Inc. (USA), 2011. Huang, Judy and Mi Nguyen, “Relief for china 's quality headaches “, Supply chain management review. 13(8). Nov. 2009. pp. 6-7. Finley, “How to spot and help an at risk supplier”, Supply chain management review, 13(5). July/August 2009. pp. 18-25. Trent, Robert,” Creating the ideal supplier scorecard”, Supply chain management review, 14(2). March/April 2010. pp. 24-29 Hanfland, David,” Supply quality: today 's pressing priority”, Supply chain management review, 12(7). Oct. 2008. pp. 58-59 Cavinato, Joseph L, “Quality Management. Supply Management Handbook”, New York. McGraw-Hill. 2006. 0071445137. Ch. 27. pp. 563-586