Abstract Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) refers to thinking, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to feeling and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) is about being. SQ is not religion, theology, cult, philosophy, ideology or speculation; further, it is not belief-based, paranormal or esoteric. SQ, also referred to as ‘the third Q’, is the new secular scientific paradigm of spirituality, which addresses fundamental challenges currently faced by businesses. SQ is the science of human energy management that clarifies and guides the structure of awareness. The application of this awareness allows access to a full range of human capabilities required to succeed in life and prosper in the current economic environment and social climate. In order to be successful, organisations require effective management in four critical domains: data, money, materials and human energy. SQ relates to the awareness, management and regulation of human energy, and is the key to personal fulfillment and peak performance. SQ practice leads to a more satisfying, effective and productive workplace. Hence, SQ impacts all areas of life and provides individuals with the capability of sustainable performance at extraordinary levels.
The Business Case for Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)
Introduction This paper presents the business case for the application of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) at work. To this end, the science of spirituality is introduced, SQ defined, a brief background on the evolution of the concept of intelligence and capital provided, and spiritual capital (SC) defined. Next is a consideration of the relevance and contribution of SQ and SC in contemporary businesses operating in a context of unprecedented social, ecological and economic global challenges, where the need to act promptly and effectively is
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