2. The author says that's expression of spirituality in the workplace can be both humanistic and orientated toward performance. Do you agree why or why I want not? I believe that the expression of spirituality in the workplace is both humanistic and orientated toward performance because personal stability, centeredness, and self-actualization can be spiritually based ways to adapt to an often chaotically changing work environment. These spiritual expressions provide the realization that stability, centeredness, and self-actualization are sourced from our inner selves, particularly since individual organizational members often perceive that they have little control of their workplace environment or the people in it.
3. The author describes a number of “expressions as very spirituality” in the workplace. What are the additional expressions of spirituality do you believe are significant in the workplace? Such expressions may involve dedicating time for meditation, introspection, enjoying nature, journaling, or sharing with a trusted friend. Additionally, studying scripture, prayer groups, prayer before meetings and spiritual work retreats. 4. In addition to the establishment on the Ecumenical Council, what are other ways to help create an integrated approach to spirituality in the workplace? Here are some other ways to integrate spirituality: Frequency and types of daily
References: Canas, K., & Harris , S. (2014). Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity : theory, cases and exercises. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Education, Inc.