Due in class on OCTOBER 17th, 2012
No late papers will be accepted.
This paper is a reflection paper on your experience with Common Hour.
What was of most interest to you?
What did you like the least?
Keep in mind the 9 Common Hour Topics: * Community and Sense of Belonging * Health and Wellness * Technology * Academic Success Skills * Father Udovic and the Vincentian Mission * Financial Fitness * Diversity * Education and Career Planning * And Socially Responsible Leadership
Keep in mind the previous Common Hour Assignments as well.
Because we haven’t discussed Socially Responsible Leadership yet, think of ways in which these other lesson plans affect what it is like to be a socially responsible leader here at DePaul, the community of Chicago or even the world.
This paper can be as broad or specific as you would like it to be but keep in mind that because it is your last Common Hour paper, I expect for it to be well thought out.
This is not a paper that is a complaint. Complaints are great! BUT I expect the reasoning of the complaints to have an explanation as to why something did or did not work.
Your paper must state how Common Hour lesson plans will have or have had an impact on your time at DePaul, even if it was small.
Keep in mind that papers WILL BE marked down if they are not in proper MLA format. Papers will also be marked down for grammatical errors.
Papers must be 3-4 pages in length.
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