The acromioclavicular joint injury is an injury that baseball players suffer more than basketball players do. (Roberts got with po edition) acromioclavicular joint injury occur when athlete take a blow to the top of the shoulder. (Roberts cot win po- edition) Treatment for this injury can be surgery or ant-inflammatory median.( Roberts cot win po- edition) A bump or a budge above the collar …show more content…
Symptoms are tenderness and inflammation in the back of the leg or in the hip. This happens to people that run and jump a lot such as basketball players and track players. They are many ways you can rehab such as icing, and going to physical therapy. Examples of groin injuries are cutting side to side in a fast motion and lunging frontward.
They are many ways you can prevent injury in sports, such as taping your ankle to prevent a ankle spine or wearing a knee brace to stop or knee from going out of it range of motion that its meant to go in. These thing can or could stop you from being out the season or ending your sports career just by sampling wearing ankle tape. You can also life weights and train your musicals to get stronger and more prepared for games like active, and stress that it has on your body.
These are the things that athletes need to watch out for. They are many ways can prevent those injuries by stretching and staying in an athletic stance while playing. Treatment and finding a good doctor is the most important thing to do if you get injured. I hope that I have warned you about some of the injuries that athlete