Executive summary
Sports organizations may also have some unique characteristics that separate them from other voluntary sector organizations in terms of their very clearly determined role, the disciplinary control over participants and officials, and their need to link and liaise with other organizations such as district leagues, national bodies or even international bodies. Such differences mean that it is often difficult for any sports voluntary group to remain totally autonomous and independent except for solely recreational organizations. As soon as a higher level of competition or performance is involved, the body must become very complex (2003). It is essential for a sports organization to have a clearly identified structure probably hierarchical, where each individual has a clearly identified role to play in achieving progress for the organization. This type of structure is perhaps a little dated because it relies on clearly defined levels of management, but it gets things done and means that people are quite clear as to what they are in the organization to do. It can be especially useful in spare-time amateur organizations. In essence a highly structured organization can be quite helpful in that it helps clarify and delineate individual roles, and allows people to achieve their tasks within the clear structure. It is vitally important that sports organizations have an open approach to involving everyone who has something to offer to the sport and its participants. An attitude which excludes individuals is most inefficient, ineffective, divisive and damaging, and can create strife within the organization (2003). The ethos of any sports organization is a key in the sense that the morals, attitudes and standards it portrays will be carried right into the games hall or sports field, through its organizational structures. The absolutely vital necessity for anyone working in a sports organization or a sports setting is to have a