spss report
Environmental problems such as climate change, ozone layer depletion, global warming, and so on are now growing at an alarming rate. Many of this problem are believed to be increasing due to human impacts as a result of irresponsible environmental behaviours, which is highly influenced by the attitudes people possess The research survey was carried out to find out the environmental attitude of respondents and their opinion on environmental issues facing Australia and the world at large. The aim of this study is to determine how some of the demographic characteristics affect environmental attitudes of the students surveyed. Thus, the differences between the environmental attitudes of the students will be explained. This study aims to find the answers to these questions: Are there any differences between the environmental attitudes of students surveyed and the degree they are enrolled in? Is there a difference in environmental attitudes to their gender? Is there a difference in environmental attitudes to their socio-economic status?
Data was collected using an environmental attitude questionnaire which was administered to students in ENVS1701 and GEOG1001 of Flinders University, Forty two respondents were received. In order to get a balance view from respondents the questionnaire has a section that asked questions on the demography of respondents which was aimed at collecting data such has age, gender, degree studied, LGA, household and type of dwelling place.
Figure 1 below shows that of 100% that responded to the survey 54.8% were female, 42.9% were male while the remaining 2.4% were missing.
Table1 shows that 41 respondent indicated their age with a mean value of 24.12, while the least and maximum age of respondent is 17 years and 58 years old respectively.
All respondents where from various academic background i.e. 33.3% enrolled in B.EVN.MGT, 26.2% enrolled in BA, 7.1 enrolled in B.ED, 11.9% enrolled in BAGIS, 2.4% enrolled in