Problem Statement:
The case study titled Library Management System is library management software for the purpose of monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library. This case study on the library management system gives us the complete information about the library and the daily transactions done in a Library. We need to maintain the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching books and members and facility to borrow and return books. It features a familiar and well thought-out, an attractive user interface, combined with strong searching, insertion and reporting capabilities. The report generation facility of library system helps to get a good idea of which are the books borrowed by the members, makes users possible to generate hard copy.
The following are the brief description on the functions achieved through this case study:
•Librarian: To maintain and update the records and also to cater the needs of the users.
•Reader: Need books to read and also places various requests to the librarian.
•Vendor: To provide and meet the requirement of the prescribed books.
Class Diagram
Classes identified:
Books Database
Use-case Diagram
Actors vs Use Cases:
•Issue a book
•Update and maintain records
•Request the vendor for a book
•Track complaints
•Search a book
•Request for isse
•View history
•Request to the Librarian
Books Database
•Update records
•Show books status
•Provide books to the library
•Payment acknowledgement
Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagram for searching a book and issuing it as per the request by the user from the librarian:
Component Diagram
Register Page (visitor / vendor)
Login Page