Max. Marks: 100
External Assessement : 60
Internal Assessment : 40
Unit - I
Financial Services - Meaning, types and their importance.
Securities Trading - Online Vs Offline Trading, Demat and Remat.
Depository - Introduction, Concept, depository participants, functioning of depository systems, process of switching over to depository systems, benefits, depository systems in India, SEBI regulation.
Unit - II
Mutual funds and AMCs - concept, origin and growth of mutual funds,
Constitution & management of MFs - Sponsors, Trustees, AMCs, and custodians.
Clasification of mutual fund schemes, advantages and disadvantages in mutual fund schemes, NAV and pricing of mutual fund units. State of mutual funds in
Insurance Services- Introduction, Principles of insurance, Types of Insurance.
Life Insurance Products- Traditional and ULIPs.
Credit rating - the concept and objective of credit rating, various credit ratings agencies in India and International credit rating agencies, factors affecting credit rating & procedural aspects.
Unit - III
Leasing - concept and development of leasing, business, difference between leasing & hire purchase, types of leasing business, advantages to lessor and
Merchant Banking - Origin and development of merchant banking in India
Scope, organisational aspects and importance of merchant bankers. Latest
Guidelines of SEBI w.r.t Merchant bankers.
Venture capital - concepts and characteristics of venture capital, venture capital in India, guidelines for venture capital.
Unit - IV
Call money market, Treasury bill market, Commercial Bill market, Market for
CPs and CDs, Discount market and market for financial guarantees.
Factoring - Development of factoring types & importance, procedural aspects in factoring, financial aspects, prospects of factoring in India.
Plastic Money - Concept and different forms of plastic money - credit and debit