This well-rounded staff NCO should be able to take their past experiences and apply them towards the mission they are currently in. They should use backwards planning to identify the outcome of the mission. When you use the past and backwards plan into the future you can build a solid model to follow to accomplish the mission. Also the staff NCO can reach out to the other shops to collect information or get them involved in the planning. Collection of data or building a matrix to easily interpret the data collected can allow staff NCO's to formulate a plan based on past outcomes that assist in future planning operations. A staff NCO needs to be able to utilize all the information and resources possible so they need to be experienced, mature, and …show more content…
A High Reliability Organization (HRO) is based on five characteristics; preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify interpretations, sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience, and deference to expertise Weick and Sutcliffe (2001). The Army is most definitely a HRO and will continue to be. Each branch or shop can organize, contrive, and communicate with one other and build a strong, decisive plan. Within these shops a mature, experienced, and motivated NCO or NCO's work diligently to ensure the success of the Commander and the unit. The TLP's and the MDMP are followed to ensure any and all aspects of the mission are planned and prepared for. Each shop and its members must work as one organism to achieve success, which is intern vital to the units and the Commanders success. When you have a unit that can combine its members, shops, and Commanders together in harmony you have an organization focused on always improving and enhancing itself for its Soldiers, Command, and the United States