Angela Tabor
Dr. Timekee Turner - Battle
Business 335
August 22, 2012
Formulate a recruitment plan and strategy that will be used to staff the coffee shop initially and throughout the next three years.
The recruitment plan and strategy that will be used to staff the coffee shop initially and throughout the next three years will be to solicit the help of an external recruitment agency. Seeking the help of an external recruitment agency would be the most cost effective strategy in recruitment stage. The Gourmet Coffee Shop is a smaller organization and does not have the staff or budget to run its own recruitment functions, therefore; an external recruitment agency can provide the coffee shop with a full scale of service, such as; identifying recruitment needs, advertising, checking the references of applicants, along with background checks. Utilizing external recruitment agencies can be costly, however; it the most practical avenue for organizations that do not possess it own recruitment function (McGraw-Hill, 2009). A recruitment budget will be formulated, consisting of the staffing cost, supplies and equipment cost, as well as the benefits and salaries. After the recruiting planning phase is complete, the coffee shop’s strategy will be to choose “targeted recruitment” rather than “open recruitment”, because; the company is seeking specific individuals with certain, knowledge, skills, ability and other characteristics. Utilizing the open recruitment process may cause a high volume of applicants making the selection process exceptionally difficult.
Create a communication message (realistic, brand or targeted) to attract applicants to the open position.
When creating your communication message, it must be alluring to the target applicants. The intended goal is to capture the attention of potential applicants. Once you have their attention, it is important that keep their attention.
References: 1. Dressler,G.,2010 Human resources Management, Twelfth Edition, copyright 2011, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 2. Jadhav, A. M., & George, V. M. (2012). SIGNIFICANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR EFFECTIVE ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Golden Research Thoughts, 1(7), 1-2. 3. Personnel Selection: Method: Assessment Centers, 4. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management,