Standard English is the variety that has been codified; therefore it is esteemed and accepted as the language of the educated, financially comfortable groups. Its usage is employed in formal occasions such as in an occupational group, political settings or other formal events, to provide a sense of authority and credibility. For example, a doctor....
For this question to be answered well, students needed to have a clear understanding of Standard English. By appreciating that this variety has prestige, no geographical base and is codified in dictionaries and style guides, students were able to construct relevant responses. Most students understood that by using non-Standard English it was still possible, depending on the appropriateness, to communicate effectively. A range of examples and usages was provided by students in supporting their contention, with many coming from the following varieties:
• slang
• ethnolects
• the language of teenagers and youths
• Aboriginal English
• ‘netspeak’.
Most students recognised that by using a non-Standard variety of English a close rapport and distinct identity can be created. Conversely, some students recognised the importance of Standard English as a world language used for