Around lunchtime in Starbucks today I observed a little boy around the age of ten in the check out line with his mom. I could definitely tell he did not want to be there. The boy came across as very unappreciative towards his mother as he demanded her to get him a smoothie. He did not just want a smoothie; he wanted the most expensive thing on the menu. Money clearly was not a worry to him; it looked like he got everything he asked for. He looked like a very privileged child since he was wearing brand new Nike shoes and a button up Polo shirt.
It caught me off guard by the way his mother would obey and do every little thing the boy wanted/said. The little boy acted like he expected his mom to do and get him everything he wanted.
I got the feeling that this little boy did not realize how good he had it in life, and that he was very ungrateful. The way he just expected to have everything handed to him really bothered me.
My analysis of this little boy was not very positive. I haven’t really gotten anything handed to me in life, nor expected it. The way he was very rude and ungrateful towards everything his mother gave him was very disappointing. Even if he did have it easy in life, it definitely reflected on his personality.
I think that the way this little boy acts now will reflect on the person he will be later in life. He has nice clothes, and obviously a family that gets him everything he wants. I just feel like he should be more appreciative and understand how good he really has it. Not everybody is this blessed, and it kills me to see a little boy take advantage of that and not appreciate it.