My interest for English first arose when I was studying it at AS Level. The course has given me an insight into how people speak and the changes in meaning and in form of words. In particular I was enormously interested in studying the topic Language and Occupation as I was interested as to how different workplaces use different types of language. English Language has interested me significantly and this is because it has given me a chance to understand the use of language between people of different ages and different backgrounds. I now watch my self whilst speaking and try to use the appropriate language where possible.
Business Studies has helped me realise the importance of running a business and trying to get the best out of it. Also how to finance a business to make sure that you are making profit and not losing it. Studying Business has taught me how to sort out a balance sheet and to asses the strength and weakness of a business by carrying out a SWOT analysis. Learning how the laws of business came about intrigues me and helps me to understand as to why businesses operate in the way they do and why certain rules exist within the business culture.
Watching films and T.V, reading newspapers and magazine has always fascinated me. Studying Media has helped me to understand the actual meaning behind what is being shown and said on the screens. The way the media portrays certain images and views has a motive behind it and studying Media has helped me to question the information that is being fed to the public and it makes me question its reliability. By studying Media I now analyse every single piece of text or image that